Corrals & Posses

2011 Award Winners

Co-Founders Best "Book" Award
1st Place: Chuck Parsons, English Westerners Society
Captain John R. Hughes, Lone Star Ranger
University of North Texas Press

2nd Place: David L. Bigler & Will Bagley, Utah Westerners
The Mormon Rebellion, America’s First Civil War, 1857-1858
University of Oklahoma Press

3rd Place: Ernest Marquez, Los Angeles Corral
Noir Afloat: Tony Cornero and the Notorious Gambling Ships of Southern California
Angel City Press

"Coke" Wood Award for Monographs and Articles
1st Place: Patricia A. Etter, Scottsdale Corral
Son of Sacagawea on the Southern Trail
Overland Journal

2nd Place: John H. Monnett, Denver Posse
Reimagining Transitional Kansas Landscapes: Environment and Violence
Kansas History

3rd Place: Erik Berg, Scottsdale Corral
The Roads are for the Timid: The Western Adventures and Romance of Mai Richie Reed
The Journal of Arizona History

Philip A. Danielson Award for Best Programs

1st Place: John Milton Hutchins, Boulder County Corral
The Scouts Have Always Been Loyal: Mutiny at Cibicu, Attack on Fort Apache, and Legal Retribution in 1881 Arizona Territory

2nd Place: Gary Turner, Los Angeles Corral
Japanese Internment - An American Tragedy

3rd Place: Karen Iselin, Scottsdale Corral
Following the Hoofprints of a Noble Horse: Comanche

Fred Olds Western Poetry Award
1st Place: Rod Miller, Utah Westerners
Things a Cowboy Sees and Other Poems
Port Yonder Press

2nd Place: Abraham Hoffman, Los Angeles Corral
Ode to a Western Town
The Westerners Los Angeles Corral

Heads Up Award
Corrals Organized Prior to 1973
Los Angeles Corral
Eric A. Nelson, Sheriff

Corrals Organized 1973 and Later
Fort Abraham Lincoln Corral, Bismarck, North Dakota
Mike Knudson, Sheriff

Overseas Corrals
English Westerners Society, England
Francis Taunton, Sheriff

Best Doctoral Dissertation in Western U. S. History by a graduate student member of Phi Alpha Theta

Kevin Shupe, PhD
George Mason University
Geronimo Escapes: Envisioning Indianness in Modern America

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